December 4th, 2023

Winter conditions require immediate housing response

HALIFAX – With freezing temperatures and significant snowfall this weekend, Tim Houston must provide housing to those in need immediately. It was reported this weekend that a resident of the Dartmouth tent encampment died sleeping outside.

“We’ve had significant snowfall and freezing temperatures this weekend and the number of emergency shelter spaces just doesn’t meet the need,” said Suzy Hansen, NDP Housing spokesperson. “It’s dangerous to leave people to sleep outside in tents with so few options to stay warm. Now, what we all feared could happen has, and a man has died.”

As of November 28, the Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia reported there are 1066 people actively homeless just in HRM.

“My condolences to the family and everyone who is processing this tragic death,” said NDP Leader Claudia Chender. “We need housing, now. Lease out the hotels, use the churches and community halls, buy shelters, and massively incentivize non-market providers to build quickly. No one should be sleeping outside.”

The NSNDP has tabled legislation calling for a ban on all winter evictions similar to rules preventing Nova Scotia Power from cutting off people’s power during the winter months.
