February 15th, 2024

The time for a universal school lunch program has come: Chender

BRIDGEWATER – As families face skyrocketing costs of groceries, now more than ever, it’s time for the Houston government to provide a universal school lunch program for the children of Nova Scotia.

“I have deep concerns about the safety and health of children in our province, especially the number of families relying on food banks,” said Leitha Haysom, mother of two and resident of Crousetown, Nova Scotia. “While my experience comes from a place of privilege, my family budget is heavily affected by the current price gouging at grocery stores. Nova Scotia has some of the highest rates of poverty and child poverty in the country. I believe a universal lunch program at schools across the province would help all families, across the board.”

The cost of groceries increased over 6 percent last year, and 13 percent the year before. Nova Scotia has the second-highest rate of children living in food-insecure households.

“Giving kids meals at school would make a real difference for thousands of families across Nova Scotia. This is something the Houston government could and should do immediately,” said NSNDP Leader Claudia Chender. “Nova Scotia families are finding it harder and harder to keep up with the rising cost of groceries and we know that children across this province are going without enough to eat. A universal school lunch program would help make sure that students across this province get the meals they need.”

Nova Scotia was the only province to receive a failing grade in the recent Food Banks Canada report that says our province is lagging in efforts to support families.
