October 31st, 2023

Houston should cut the grocery tax, help Nova Scotia families afford food

HALIFAX – The cost of food continues to increase and the average family is expected to spend $1300 more on groceries this year compared to 2021. Today, the Nova Scotia NDP will table legislation to cut the grocery tax and help families afford food.

“Families simply can’t afford, in many cases, to feed themselves or their children. Right now in Nova Scotia, sales tax isn’t charged on food items classified as ‘basic groceries’ but many common grocery items are still taxed,” said NDP Leader Claudia Chender. “The Houston government must ensure that Nova Scotians can afford the basics. Removing all tax on groceries would help seniors, families, and all Nova Scotians who worry about putting enough food on the table.”

Nova Scotia received the worst grade in Canada in this year’s Food Banks Canada’s Poverty Report Card. According to that report, “53% of people in Nova Scotia feel that they are worse off than they were a year ago. This is a higher proportion than in any other province.”

“People are finding it harder and harder to get by and the Houston government is doing little to help,” said NDP Community Services Spokesperson Kendra Coombes. “We have a government that’s unwilling to make a universal school lunch program a priority and who thinks now is the right time to help fewer people with the cost of heat. There are simple ways the Houston government could help people afford to get by. Removing HST on all food items is one of them.”

The NSNDP government was responsible for removing HST from home heating, diapers, children’s clothing, and menstrual products.
