August 16th, 2022

Houston failing to stand up to Nova Scotia Power, protect people from higher power bills

HALIFAX – Tim Houston and Nova Scotia Power executives want to delay the public UARB hearings while they meet behind closed doors to talk about fuel costs and rate increases. The Houston government says it needs more time to work with Nova Scotia Power to find solutions.

“If the Premier was really interested in standing up for people and preventing untenable increases to power bills, he could have intervened long ago. Instead, he chose not to act while most people are working harder than ever just to make ends meet. Many Nova Scotians are faced with decisions about paying their power bill or putting food on the table,” said NDP Natural Resources and Renewables spokesperson Susan Leblanc.

The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board hearings are set to begin on September 7. Nova Scotia Power has requested a rate increase of 10 percent between now and January 2024.

“People need access to reliable, green energy. The Premier has the power to ensure this happens while keeping bills affordable for Nova Scotians. So far, he has refused to act to protect people,” said Leblanc. “The premier needs to be open about what he’s doing with Nova Scotia Power executives behind closed doors and bring forward a real plan that helps save people money and moves the province to cleaner, greener energy.”

The Nova Scotia NDP has intervenor status in the upcoming UARB hearing process.
